Thursday, November 11, 2010

Two Weeks til Turkey!!

As you may have noticed, today is November 11th (11/11) which means that we are 14 days away from Thanksgiving!! There is so much to do between now and then, but I can't help but get excited at the thought of one of my favorite holidays! At our house the traditions that we've taken on include watching the Macy's parade, Thanksgiving lunch (and dinner left overs), watching a marathon of a favorite show, and really just spending quality down time together.

Side note: I also have a special tradition that I've done in the past, but don't really do anymore that I will post more on later.

I'm really the only one who watches the parade intensely but maybe this year Davis will join me (not likely unless there's an Elmo balloon). Anyway my favorite part of the whole day is after we eat lunch we sit down and watch an all day marathon of 'Friends' Thanksgiving episodes. Now our family loves that show and their Thanksgiving episodes were always their big holiday, so we watch them every year. There are nine episodes so I'll probably make my turkey day post about thankfulness and those episodes. Get excited! :)

I'm just glad that down time is right around the corner and I'll have time to breathe for a week! And it's coming up soon so everyone start thinking what you're thankful for, I already have some ideas of my own!

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on your blog! SO excited to go through your countdowns, way better than studying for our test. The way I see it, if I fail, I will just get to take my victory lap. JUST KIDDING. Anyway... I was in the Macy's parade in the 11th grade. True story. :)
