Top 15 Christmas TV Episodes
15. Boy Meets World
"Easy Street" (4.12)
- The best part of this episode is Eric, which is somewhat common on Boy Meets World, but definitely pay attention to him. He's hilarious!
"A Little Christmas Queer" (8.9)
- Don't let the title throw you off, this show just really likes to be "punny" (get it? ha ha). Anyway, in this episode the gang helps Will's nephew put on a Christmas pageant, and it's pretty funny because that kid is super flamboyant!
"Santa's Little Helper" (1.10)
- This is an early episode, but still very funny. A little tid bit: Santa has a heart attack when Morgan, Cory's little sister, sits on his lap. Kind of scarring.
"The One With Christmas in Tulsa" (9.10)
- All I'm sayin about this episode is this quote: Chandler: Wait a I sexy in Tulsa?
"Santa's Little Helpers" (6.11) (different episode, similar title)
- This is one of the more serious Boy Meets World episodes with Shawn and Angela's romance, but also funny because of Eric...again. And yes it's heartwarming all at the same time!
"High Holidays" (11.11)
- When Frasier's son comes to stay with him on Christmas, Frasier finds that his son is in a rebellious stage of adolescence. Niles decides to finally be rebellious himself but it backfires on their former police officer father. So funny!!
"A Very Topanga Christmas" (5.11)
- When Topanga spends Christmas with Cory and his family, they find that their holiday traditions are very different. Cory goes into a frenzy (so typical of him) and gets to see how his life would be without Topanga. This is very inspired by 'A Christmas Carol'.
"Perspectives on Christmas" (5.9)
- Frasier is almost always a show with simultaneous story lines that all come together at the end for hilarity. This episode is no exception and I don't have space on here to explain each character's storyline. But it involves Niles trapped in an elevator, Frasier outing Roz's pregnancy, and Marty in a Christmas pageant.
"How Lily Stole Christmas" (2.11)
- In this episode, Lily finds out that Ted called her a bad name when she broke Marshall's heart over the summer and even though everything is better now he won't apologize. This leads Ted to spend Christmas Eve with his overly religious cousin and her ever-growing family. Best quote: Ted: [speaking of his cousin's family] Her kids think Santa is how Satan spells his name when he's trying to trick us.
"The One With the Holiday Armadillo" (7.10)
- So Ross wants to teach his son, Ben, that Hanukkah is just as cool as Christmas so Ross gets the idea to dress up as Santa to tell Ben about it. The problem is that there are no Santa costumes left. So we get the Holiday Armadillo. P.S. The Holiday Armadillo in fact has a twitter account. Just sayin'.
"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz" (6.10)
- Frasier and his family have to pretend to be Jewish to impress the mother of a woman he's dating. That's all I'm gonna say because it's hilarious!!
"All About Christmas Eve" (5.11)
- Grace has two tickets to see 'The Nutcracker', Will's favorite, on Christmas Eve but can't decide between taking her husband or Will. Jack and Karen spend the evening in a fancy hotel doing their own version of caroling (which is the best part of the episode!)
"The One With the Routine" (6.10)
- Ross and Monica get the chance to appear on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve, which they've always dreamed of. The dance they do says it all.
"The I Love Lucy Christmas Special" (6.11)
- Now anyone who knows me, knows that my very favorite show of all time is 'I Love Lucy'. This is the only Christmas episode they ever did and is often known as the lost episode. Each Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel try to be Santa for Little Ricky and wind up finding a real surprise. Classic Lucy episode so I love it!
"The Strike" (9.10)
- You didn't think I forgot about Festivus did you? This episode created a whole new holiday that my family actually celebrates, just not as intensely. I can't even describe how hilarious this episode is, you really just have to see it. I mean really, it's a Festivus for the Rest of us!
I hope you all get a chance to watch each of these, I promise they're worth it!
Now I have to go get ready for the big game tomorrow! Yes the SEC title game is tomorrow and it's going to be awesome and I'm so excited! War Eagle!!

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