Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Union of a Lifetime

As everyone in the world knows this past week held the royal wedding! Now I was that weird enthusiast who has been not so patiently awaiting this, and it was fabulous! As much as I loved the royal wedding, though, if you wanted to hear about that you would be watching E! or TLC right now and not reading my blog. (Thanks for reading by the way!) No, the union I am speaking of is one that took place 35 years ago as of May 1st. I, of course, am referring to my parents.

Sunday evening I ventured once again to Phenix City to celebrate the occasion with my family. Now maybe I'm just a little spoiled, but sometimes I don't really realize what an accomplishment 35 years is. I remember in 2009 in Knoxville at the Auburn vs. Tennessee game my mom was talking to a soon to be married couple sitting behind us. Note: My mom is notorious for making random friends at football games with whoever is sitting around us. Anyway, this woman asked my mom how long she had been married, to which my mom responded 33 years. And I had never thought about it before that woman said it, but her response was, "Wow. That's amazing!" Now that I think about it, that is pretty amazing, I mean that's a long time!! And it is such a blessing to have parents that set that kind of example for their children.

Note: My mom pulled off a long-sleeved lace dress long before Kate did. Just sayin'. :)

So thanks, Mom and Dad, for the life you've built for us and the support you've always shown for your children. It really makes all the difference to know that I have loving parents who are always there for me no matter what. I hope you're as happy today as you were back then.

But really how could you not be? Just look at the amount of love you're surrounded by!!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Love you!

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