Tuesday, March 8, 2011

180 Weekend

Well blog friends, I think this post will officially be my last "I'm catching up on my blog" post! Yay!! I just couldn't move forward without telling you about the incredible experience I had the privilege of being a part of about a month ago!

At the end of January I traveled to Gastonia, NC with my friend Elyse and 6 (yes 6!!) others in one car! This was not the exciting part though, the best part was the reason for the trip. You may have heard of a 180 weekend before, if not it's kind of a winter retreat for a youth group. I had the pleasure of teaching a group of 11th grade girls with Elyse. Now I've worked with adolescent girls in church in the past so I was really just expecting to have a similar group in NC...boy, was I wrong! I have to say that these were the most extraordinary 16 year old girls I have EVER met!

I won't say too much about the personal aspects of the weekend because a lot of it is about a personal journey in our faith, but I will say that these girls taught me more in those 3 days than I could ever hope to teach them. What a blessing that whole weekend was!!

Of the fun parts that I will share, we painted t-shirts...

We played at the park...(no I can't explain this game ha ha)

But mostly we just got to chill, get to know each other, and delve into the gospel. I'm so thankful for these girls and I hope I get to go back and help with their summer activities!!

And let me not forget our gracious host family who let us all but destroy their home (though we did destroy their sleep patterns)!!

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