Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lately...and Easter!!

As a brief update, since traveling to Hattiesburg I've been doing a lot of little things that are leading to the big things. Those big things are graduation (and party), moving, and simply living a good life. And it has certainly been good lately. :)

We're now just 15 days from graduation and 14 days from the party. To get ready for these the main things, what I've been doing, besides collecting vases and ordering obscene amounts of candy (more on that to come later), is pictures!! See, this beyond wonderful person named Emily did my graduation photos and they are AWESOME! I won't post them all, even though I want to because she did an amazing job, but here's my favorite.

Back in Phenix City though, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Last weekend we put up a new big boy bed for Davis, which is very exciting!

And although he loves his bed, he didn't take to it so quickly, which led to this.

Isn't he precious? Sorry I just had to post this. :)

So this weekend has been Easter! And let me tell you that my favorite part about Easter, apart from the fact that it is the best reminder of how great our God is, is getting back together with friends when they come home for the holiday. This weekend in particular I mean Reed (and a number of other random high school friends we ran into). But I always know that with Reed I am guaranteed a good time, and again he did not disappoint. I'll leave it at that, it's just always fun to get to hang out with my old buddy.

Other than getting to see my long lost other half, Davis got a new play-set this weekend, which we have named 'Davis Park'. And he hasn't left it all weekend!

He's been giving "speeches" from this hole to his loyal followers, much like the Pope.

When we were able to drag him away from it, we dyed eggs.

And then, of course, we stole and hid them from him. But the hunt was fun (for him), because apparently 22 is too old to hunt.

Please take note of the boots he insisted on wearing.

Anyway, like I said the last couple of weeks have just been livin' the simple life, and it has been good. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often, or at the very least I'll try.

Happy Easter!!

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