Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Start of Something New

Well guys, since I know after tomorrow (the first day of class) I won't have much time for blogging I thought I'd update you know and let you know how Hattiesburg is! It is wonderful!! I'm really loving it here, which is such a blessing! I was scared for so long that this move would be too much for me, but I couldn't be happier here.

Here's what I love so far:
  • My roommates: they are hilarious and crazy, so I can relate. And one roommate is also beginning the MFT program with me (happy coincidence) so we're both pumped to start tomorrow.
  • My cohort: Since there are 12 people in my cohort there is a wide variety of personalities and backgrounds, which is interesting and a lot of fun to get to know everyone.
  • The second years: The cohort of 10 above me is ALL girls (and you though 6 girls at Auburn was bad!) But these girls are amazing, and so helpful as we're starting out here, and they really seem to all click together in different ways. Also, one of them told me that although they've all had times of frustration with the program and anger, there has not (yet) been a time when they didn't honestly love the program. You may say she is blowing smoke, but I'm choosing to believe this is true and have the same attitude for myself.
  • My assistantship: I found out yesterday at orientation that for my 20 hours a week assistantship, that I will be a teaching assistant for 2 professors (10 hours a piece). This is exactly what I wanted, so I am thrilled!! Even more thrilling is the flexible hours, getting to really know the staff I'm with for the next 2 years, and teaching! Yes, you read right, one of the professors has me set to lead her class for 3 days this semester! I am so excited, and I really think it will help me decide if teaching is something I'd like to pursue at a collegiate level! Of course I'm pretty nervous, but that just means I'll be calling in for some help and pointers from those who have already mastered this (that means you, Emily!)
  • The food: I've only been here 11 days and have been eating in a lot to save money, but when I did eat out (on my parents bill) it was amazing! Now, Mugshots and Newks are both chains and I've eaten there before, but I swear it just gets better every time! AND, Mugshots now has a huge projector screen of the NFL network, um yes, please!! Burgers and football, count me in! Also on the food train is Leatha's BBQ. This was promised to me to be the best ribs I would ever taste, and as a diplomat I will say they are the best professionally cooked ribs, because I don't wanna get cut off from the church BBQ ribs at home ;). I will only say one more thing about the food and then I promise to stop, but Crescent City Grill is by far the best and most creative seafood I have ever eaten, and seafood is my favorite!! (Now back to the original list)
  • My apartment: Since the apartment houses 4 people there is a lot of space for us. I knew that much, what I didn't realize was that once I moved my bedroom set that there is an insane amount of space in my room. That doesn't include the 2 closets and private bath! I have to say this is a huge leap from the shoebox I've been living in for the last 2 years.
Now I'm sure there are other things I will find to love very soon, and hopefully you will get to hear about them!

Of course, along with finding things you love in a new place there are things you miss from where you left.

Here's what I miss so far:
  • Auburn. I miss the campus, the food, the people, the atmosphere, and starting next week I will sorely be missing football season. Note: This is the first time in my life I won't be in Jordan-Hare for a season opener. This will be tough,but I will be tougher.
  • My friends: I miss having people to talk to that I already know are as crazy as me, and knowing their "crazy boundaries". Note: If you people want to Skype me, I'm always up for that! It's comforting to see familiar faces!
  • My family: This is a big one and I think you know why.  I've never really been away from my family so the distance has been wearing on both ends. But really more than anything I miss my little buddy Davis. I do get to talk to him on the phone and see pictures of him, but not getting to play with him is really sad. But I will be seeing him this weekend (if all goes according to plan) so I'm really excited about that!

Isn't he precious though?

Anyway, for now that's all from Hattiesburg! I'll let you all know how school is soon!

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