Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend of Fun!!

Well friends, I can now make a trip home in five hours flat! I changed my route and that is what I found. Why, you may ask, did you come home so soon? Well, what had happened was I looked at my syllibi and my calendar and realized that I don't get a legit trip home again until Thanksgiving!! Yeah, let that sink in a little bit. Is it in there? Good!

I was very sad to find this out, but I've rearranged some things and will now be attempting a magic trick to create time. (que "The Final Countdown", very Gob)

Anyway, after I realized my lack of spare time, I had to take an emergency trip home to see Davis (and my family) before the semester picked up. And I had to make it a really good trip, so Davis can remember me extra fondly in my absence. So here's what we did in what will furthermore be known as 'Liz and Davis' Weekend of Fun'. (yes, I stole that from Friends)

We went to get ice cream at Chick Fil A and play on the playset. Now this may not seem like a big deal, but really who else is gonna take him to get ice cream and get in the play place with him? Only his woman-child aunt, that's who! So here he is fully enjoying his ice cream...

That night I pitched the idea of taking him to a real movie, kind of as an expiriment to see how he would do, so I showed him various movie trailers and decided by his response which one to see. And The Smurfs won. Shocked? I was. I thought for sure that Winnie the Pooh would win, but anyway we went to see The Smurfs and it was cute. Well, what I saw of it was cute. He made it for about an hour and did very well and then decided he wanted to nap in the theatre, so we had to go. But I was very proud of how well he did for that hour.

But of the Weekend of Fun I have to say that my favorite part was Saturday night. Now I love old school Winnie the Pooh, as in 'The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh', so we curled up and watched that Saturday night. And it is even cuter and sweeter than I remember. It was amazing and I loved every minute of it.

So that was the home portion of the weekend, now let me tell you about what happens on a 5 hour road trip by yourself. First you think 'this won't be so bad once I get the music going', which was a correct thought. Then you get to Mobile and I'm not sure what the name of the giant bridge is on 65 that leads directly into Mobile, and I've only traveled it once before, but both times I had the exact same thought going across: Wow. That bridge has the most amazing view way up in the air, it's like you're dancing across the tree tops. Truly breathtaking. Anyway the last thing I realized on the road (before realizing that I had gone loopy) was that my Cher singing impression only sounds like Cher during "If I Could Turn Back Time" and during "Believe" it sounds like the target lady, and sometimes Kermit the Frog. Anyway, that's enough rambling from the road...for now.

Before closing out, I'd like to shout out to Kristen "the summer intern" Katibah. She's recovering from knee surgery and is in my prayers and on my mind tonight. So please also remember her in your thoughts and prayers. :)

That's all for now. Will update you on school soon!

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