Friday, September 2, 2011

That Time of Year Again!

While children spend all year anticipating summer and Christmas, and parents spend summer anticipating the school year, I spend my entire year anxiously awaiting, you guessed it, football season!!

I remember driving home January 11th this year (the day after the National Championship, duh!) and thinking 'only 8 1/2 more months until we get to do it again!' At that time my life was in a very different place. So different that it's hard to even think about it. I was just about to start my new internship, it was really just sinking in that I would soon be graduating from Auburn, and I had no idea what was to come of my grad school applications.

Well here I am 8 1/2 months later, a college graduate, a first year marriage and family therapy graduate student (reading so much everyday that my brain hurts!), living 5 hours from home in Hattiesburg, Mississippi; and most importantly, welcoming football season back into my life! Yes, my priorities are all kinds of messed up! ha ha

I, however, am only kind of welcoming it back. Sadly (and I really mean sadly), I will not be at Auburn's first football game tomorrow. You may think this is no big thing, but let me tell you, this is the first home openner I will have missed in 21 years!! I repeat, TWENTY-ONE YEARS!!! Since moving, I've had some sad and lonely times, which were to be expected since I don't know anyone, but this is by far the saddest I have been! Right now, I'm not only missing my family of origin (that's right, I'm gonna be a therapist), I'm also really missing my Auburn family!

It will be okay though, I will be there in spirit and right now I'm just glad that my schedule worked out tomorrow so I can at least watch the game. Although, my watching the game tomorrow may be a lot like when I watch 'Titanic': there will be ice cream, there will be candy, and I'll really be rooting for everyone, but in the end I'm just gonna be sad.

Alright, I'm now done bringing down my wonderful readers, I just needed an outlet and I figured my blog is as good as any. So thanks for stickin around, if you read to this point :)

For now, WAR DAMN EAGLE!! I'll see you, Jordan-Hare, in a few the countdown begins. :)

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