Sunday, June 23, 2013

Here I Go Again...

Dear readers of my blog,
If you are in fact reading this, you are some kind of dedicated, because I am one lousy blog host! So here's my plan to remedy this situation, I tend to work better when I'm up against a deadline. In other words I am a highly skilled procrastinator. So I'm giving myself something to work toward.

My very first post on this blog was the day zero project. Basically you make a list of 101 things to do (like a bucket list) and you have 1,001 days to do them. Well I made that list on October 20, 2010 and day 1,001 is July 17, 2013. Eeeekkk!! You see my predicament is that I haven't done many of these things. Some for lack of effort and some because they are utterly ridiculous and I have no clue why they are on my list!

I have come to the conclusion that some of these things made the list because of what others were doing around me that seemed cool or were things that I just stumbled upon, therefore I had no real motivation to accomplish them since they weren't something I would want to do. So my new project is to revisit this list through a series of posts and tell you why or why not they got done, AND I'm going to try to get through this series before day 1,001. Basically in 3 weeks. Wish me luck!

P.S. This might get ridiculous! :)

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